Jeannine Spitfire

Jeannine Spitfire
a headshot for my serious look

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ft Hood Shooter Whining about Rules for HIM

Everyone wants bad guys to get a fair trial even when they don't know it. That's because even the angriest member of a mob, does not want an innocent guy to go to jail and a guilty guy to walk free. But the term "alleged" gets tiresome. For example, the Ft Hood shootings were witnessed by about 100 people including the police whom the shooter shot, and who returned fire. Apparently a lot of the footage from surveillance tapes shows some of the murders too. No one, not even his lawyer, has suggested we got the wrong man. But his attorney has made a mistake that is truly irking me. But as for saying "alleged shooter" okay we get it, some of us are lawyers. But we're not retarded all the time. Just say his name and leave it at that for now.

Today, his attorney WHINED with outrage that Maj Hasan was NOT allowed to pray in ARABIC with his family, without an interpreter present... Gee, that's got to be a major constitutional issue. OMG! What's next? Serving pork... or BURNING HIM AT THE STAKE? (All eqally extreme and offensive, right?) Were we raised by wolves? Don't we know that torture like this blatant insensitivity angers Muslims??? Geez, I know we don't want to do that. I mean, what happens if we anger Islamic extremists - AND just when they were going to love us so much? What could happen? Well for one thing, they might start killing people, just murdering at random and then...they...might kill some...oh wait, they already do that!

And never mind that these same types of terrorists filmed and showed a LIVE beheading of reporter Daniel Pearl among others...civilians and soldiers alike. Somehow, we self flaggelate and then get bogged down in our own discomforts so much so that we think water boarding (which make many of us understandably squeamish) equates somehow to their behavior and that is nuts. "Insensitivity" due to our security concerns, versus public beheadings...There is no comparison. Only a fool would find them the moral equivalent. Do I like torture of any kind? No, because I'm a good person. I'm not violent or hateful by nature and have never harbored murderous thoughts beyond self defense. And I'm discerning enough to see a difference between water boarding for interrogation and beheading for terrorizing. The means and the ends are very different. Those jerks in Iraq even executed the female Director of CARE, an organization of charities operating within and for Iraq. She was a charity worker who was a British citizen married to an Iraqi Muslim & serving their people there for 30 years, and even she was executed, and left by the side of the road......

(Ahem...) So now Maj Hasan's lawyer complains about him having to pray in English OR waiting for a interpreter, as if it matters at all. If we make accommodation to this killer/traitor, I'm going to think we are officially insane. Have we lost ALL our common sense?

Help me out here folks. To me, this Maj Hasan is a killer and a traitor, who violated every oath as a solider and officer and doctor/healer. And he's an American. If my husband Jon, an Army Doctor, had been a POW in the War, under the Geneva Convention he'd have to treat ALL patients regardless of which side they were on. He's a "non-combatant healer"...That's the law of war, "treat ALL wounded" and the oath doctors take as healers is "First, do no harm"...yet here's a man who violated every trust we gave him and after so much was given to him by this country. It's beyond the ken of most of us.

The rules are that he cannot speak in a foreign language without an interpreter. Folks, news flash...that's standard. I could not care less that his prayers were delayed while waiting for an interpreter. Plenty of Muslims pray in English and who said he gets to pray with his family at all? Oh for the life of me, it takes some nerve to utter a word of complaint at this point.

What other country would be so peculiarly fixated on the silliest of "rights"? We understand and care about the big rights like Due Process, fine. But this complaint, this "offense" should get NO attention. It hurts his client to raise it b/c it shows no self awareness, no recognition of how his actions are seen by most people. It's typical of this man though. You see, Maj Hasan's amazing sense of entitlement reveals itself in his disgruntled nature. HE should have gotten whatever assignment he wanted from the Army, and never have to deign to serve with real soldiers in Ft Hood...He should have only received very good evaluations (his officer evaluations mention his poor attitude, his bad rapport with patients and substandard medical practice and mediocre knowledge of neuroscience in his field) and even though WE paid for his college AND medical school AND residency AND fellowship, WITH salary and benefits...somehow we still owe him a debt of....a debt of WHAT? Didn't he owe us anything? He never tried to get out of the Army, by the way. No record of that. If he had, then I'd say just pay back the half million dollars your education cost taxpayers, and move overseas to your jihad friends. So far there is no record of him wanting out of the military in any normal channels. There are ways, but none known from him. What a sense of entitlement, especially for such a social leper, and self centered bastard.

The attorney is being foolish. Maybe he wants some public sympathy from the left wing, but that demographic does NOT matter to a court martial. (And it really annoys the rest of us). Gotta admit, THIS killer gets to me more than almost any. He's right up there in creepo land with up Scott Peterson and Casey some ways, worse.

SO GROSS...and on a slightly different topic, this story offends b/c there are political ramifications. It's just too politically correct of the Army to station that doctor, a hostile Islamic fundamentalist who had conveniently hidden that fact when he joined the Army- and to put HIM in that job, was just STUPID..

Ask yourself how many returning vets from WWII - returned to be treated by German and Japanese docs for anything, (let alone a psychological problem). It didn't happen then and it shouldn't happen now. It's an inexcusable loss of common sense in favor of political... "diversity"? = correctness.

Then there's the bureaucratic incompetence of the FBI and their paranoid habit of hoarding information. Yet it's SO NOT SURPRISING...Now watch the "cover our asses" going on big time at the FBI. I bet you the FBI will escape relatively unscathed compared to the Army, though it was first and foremost the error at the bureau to withhold CLEARLY relevant data from the Army.

Why wouldn't they tell the Army? What possible reason for withholding that information is there? A turf war? Or worse, was it just a horrible and baffling failure to communicate without ANY reason at all...(What's worse? I don't know). In the Army, heads will roll. They usually take hits worse because; A) they're more accountable and; b) their public affairs people are not in it for the long haul, and so the FBI has much more experience hiding their idiocies. I do respect the hard working folks there. I really do. But they are human so just once I'd love the FBI to come out and say "We messed up and won't do it again, & We are SORRY!" But this failure to communicate with other agencies, which was notorious under Clinton, apparently continues even post 9-11 and is simply inexcusable. It reeks of incompetence or dereliction of duty. There's blood on their hands too. (But please, never ever let that anger at our own mistakes, make you forget who planned this out and who pulled the trigger, over and over and over...Maj Hassan did. Not us.)

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